Mountainside has sent a letter saying that there is a going to be a annual charge of $25 in addition to monthly fees for every member on August 10th. I'm sure every business would love to do that, but how many would get away with it. I voted with my feet and said adios. The weather is going to get nicer soon so I'd rather be outside anyway. Smart move would have been to do this in May or June.
We complained about the fee and quit. They waived it for us, but ended up paying double for September as they charged us for September and kept the when you join first and LAST month fee. I caught it after the fact.
The wife liked the place but they move the popular yoga class into a room not much bigger than a large walk-in closet. First come first served and many were turned away.
Mountainside used to be different, better. Now its about the money.