Why Go?
You want to see lots of shiny gems, random contemporary art that doesn't make any sense (at least to me), and dinos all in one place
When to Go?
If you're cheap go 1hr or 1.5 hr before closing cuz we got in FREE!!!
but keep in mind you only have so much time to spend so be selective
What You Should See?
1.) Gems! Gems! & more Gems! Makes you feel like ur at tiffany's w/ all the glass cases
2.) Dinos obviously, you can click on their touch screen to see which parts of the skeleton is real vs. a cast
3.) Hall of Sculpture - when you walk in ur surrounded in greek architecture; of course their casts but still gives u the feel
4.) Sperm Whale Exibit - if it is still there check it out interesting to hear the maori tribe story
5.) Art side...meh not too much that I liked but for ppl who like old oils / contemporary art (i.e., canvas covered in black paint, elephant dung, rocks in a circle) then its for you
* Not bad food either sandwich w/ a side for around $6-$7