Arrived there, didn't know who to talk to so I just walked up to the counter. Stood there for 15mins until somebody asked me what I needed. He seemed cool with the other customers, but looked annoyed that he had to deal with me. Told him I wanted a 6k HID kit for my silverado. He gave me a box that looked worn and used. I asked him if the color of the HID kit would match the desired color I was looking for and he just nodded his head. After I paid and installed them myself, I realized that they were not the correct color and that the passenger side HID had to be turned off and on in order to actually stay turned on. I'm not sure if I got a used set of HID's, but this did not seem top quality. I called the store the next day about the guarantee I was told about, but he said if I returned them I would have to pay a $5 fee for shipping and return the set he sold me before he could buy the replacement. I decided to just keep the HID set with the wrong color and just turn my lights off and on every time I turn on my truck. Really didn't wanna drive over to shop where people feel annoyed to see me. Especially if I have to take out my HID's and put the OEM lights back on while I wait for the other HID set to arrive to their store. Plus pay for the shipping of their own messed up lights. Do not want to go back there. It' already feels a little uneasy to buy items you don't have 100% full knowledge on, let alone buy something where all the employees look down on you.