I've been going to this location for eye exams and glasses for several years. I give five stars to the optometrists and the staff that provide the eye exams and testing. However it's been "hit and miss" when it comes to getting quality eye glasses from the company that is used to create the glasses. I've been told they are in another state. Sometimes I'll get the glasses I ordered and they are perfect or as close as possible the first time. There are times however that my glasses have had to be sent back "to the lab" three to four times. Some of the problems being: forgot to polish the edges, a lens is scratched, or the lens was not cut correctly. The glasses are guaranteed/limited warranty, so they are sent back to be corrected. I keep coming back because of the optometrists. I'm considering taking my prescription and trying a different company for the glasses (the next time I need to buy new glasses).