| - I'm pretty sure Sweetie Fry can't go wrong. (And this is after one visit.)
I know everyone was excited about Jeni's ice cream and I was too, but something about the addition of french fries catches my attention even more.
When I missed out on the stand Sweetie Fry had in Coventry, I cried a little inside. The promise of maple bacon ice cream close to home had sifted through my fingers. I was going to go without ever knowing what Sweetie Fry was like for the rest of my life...
And then!! Sweetie Fry moves into this really cute and sweet location on Lee! Perfect! I went for the first time on a Saturday and we were a bit early, so we ran some errands and came back at 12:02, since the door said they open at 12. Door locked. GASP. Then, a man let us in and told us they don't open for another half hour, but we can come in and sample some ice cream. Immediately, the owner struck up conversation with us and began trying to pair ice creams with our personalities and other tastes! It was so fun! The girl behind the counter was just as helpful, suggesting her favorites and good "sweetie scoops" (a mini scoop of another flavor on top of your first choice. cute and good for people such as myself--bad at decisions.) to add on to our regular orders. Once the owner heard that I love goat cheese, he went and got his box of goat cheese shipped from Wisconsin and showed me the gigantic mouth watering hunks of cheese. I had to try the ice cream and of course, that's the one I settled on! The key lime pie was eerily similar to a piece of pie and ended up being my second choice, but my sweetie scoop choice was the cinnamon--definitely not like Big Red; delicious!
Unfortunately, they weren't making fries since we came in early, so we didn't get to try those, but I'm sure they're amazing. I'll be coming back for more of that goat cheese ice cream, for sure! And definitely returning for some of the maple bacon, which they were out of.