This August our brakes on our Ford Explorer were grinding metal on metal. This was only 13 months after we had paid $435.19 for new brakes and pads at this Big O Tires location on Lindsay in Gilbert. So when I came in I was told that even tho it was past a year they would honor the one year guarantee. So they took a look at the brakes and told me that I needed new calipers, new rotors and new pads. The estimate was $707.00 with the credit from the last brake job.
Took it to another shop and found out that we did not need new calipers at all but that the rotors and pads were shot because of such lousy workmanship that Big O Tires did prior.
I was so disappointed that a professional chain like Big O Tires actually tried to deceive us into work that was not even needed and should have covered most of it for the poor job that had been done a year earlier.
I will never go back and will not recommend this business to anyone.