Wow, disappointing. I'm a huge fan of Freshii. I think the world needs as many fast options healthy as it can muster so our culture doesn't go full on crazy on edible plastic and mystery meat.
My favourite at Freshii is getting the Feta & Date salad in a wrap. The King and Church location seems to understand the concept and do it so right. It's to the point now that I'm likely to get it a couple times a week for lunch. It's delicious. Try it.
HOWEVER, I just got back from the Eaton Centre location. They turned this simple request into a major issue. The girl handling customer order sheets sighed heavily when I explained what I wanted and said I would have to give her a second. Then they charged me a full dollar more for presumably the same product (ok, perhaps they have more overhead because of their location, but I don't have to be happy about it.) but the real let down was that the wrap was about half the size that I'm used to getting. The first two bites were all wrap, no salad. So I'm sitting here, still kind of hungry and having spent more than I feel is fair.
Serious fail guys. Go visit your colleagues at King and Church and learn how to do this right.