| - A brightly lit and colorful candy store located in the indoor malls of Vegas. Yes, the items in the store are very overpriced, but what can you expect when you shop at a mall in Vegas? At least the cashier was super friendly and gave some great customer service!
This store has a lot of very nostalgic candies that are typically very difficult to find - Hunk bars, Rocky Road, Bottlecaps, Violets, Dots, etc. My favorite was the bacon section - back bandaids, bacon pop rocks, bacon cotton candy, bacon toothpicks, bacon breath mints, etc.
They also have a section of adult candies - penises of every size, color, and shape; boob candies of every cup size and flavor. They even have flavored condoms.
OK so what is my gripe? I don't think that this store should be marketed as a kid's candy store. Our group went in with one 6 year old, two 8 year olds, and one 9 year old. Although they found handfulls of candies to buy, the parents had to do a lot of explaining of what a 8" cock lollipop was, what strawberry flavored lickable condoms were, and why people would want to eat candies that look like tits.
The marketing plan of this store is off, as it clashes a colorful kid's candy store with adult porn-inspired candies. It's not appropriate for kids to shop at this candy store. Either make this a candy store for kids (there are TONS of kids who will shop here) or make this store an adult porn candy shop. The two don't go together. And, the owners don't warn parents of the adult-themed items before coming into the store.
Product Grade: D
Service Grade: B
Worth the Money Grade: D
Overall Impression Grade: D