The peameal bacon sandwich is a Toronto celebrity. Of course I had to try it!
My experience with bacon sandwiches is mostly limited to the gorgeous bacon butties found down at the local bakery in any UK town. These luscious sammies consist of salty, fatty soft bacon smothered in some version of a roll lathered in butter. The butter is the key part of the butty in my opinion.
Bearing this all in mind, I was quite excited about the peameal bacon sandwich because I've never been able to find anything that matches my childhood breakfast butties in this part of the world. These kinds of expectations alone probably set the sandwich up for failure.
It's not that it was bad. It just wasn't all that great. The pork was pretty good, but a little dry in my opinion. And there just wasn't that much butter on the bread. Overall, the sandwich is definitely worth trying and certainly something that I would eat again, but I wouldn't go as far to say that it's world-famous or remarkable. It's a nice Canadian bacon sandwich.