Good, but not as good as it could have been. It really should be 3.5 *
Their sauces are awesome and should be tried by anyone who even remotely likes BBQ. That is a HUGE plus. Then it kind of goes downhill. Putting aside their pathetic excuse for ice tea, food was not as good as i would hope for.
Chicken always boring in this kind of places, just a grill chicken smothered with bbq sauce, or at least this is how it always seems to me. This is how it was at Dave's too, so i did not get any this time around. Instead i went with Georgia Pulled Pork and Sweetwater Fish. Fish was just like a generic fried fish sticks and unless dunked into one of the sauces was not any interesting. Pork was better but not awesome. It was not ....hummm... how do you explain this.... falling apart enough. Does this make any kind of sense? It felt like it was rushed out of the smoker. It could use more time in there for sure.
Corn muffing was good, corn cob was fine and spicy beans, while on the stranger side, were alright as well.
Their sauce rocks and makes anything taste like it = GOOD!
"I like"