Native is a solid 3-Star joint. It can flucuate Plus or Minus a Star depending on YOUR mood. For me, this Native consistently ranks 4 Stars.
The staff is friendly and helpful, the beer is cold, and the TV's are a-TVin' and one's bound to be tuned to something you want to see (if not just ask and they'll change one for ya). What more do you need? Well, let's talk about food then. They've got tasty stuff.
Things I can def recommend:
Wings and Native Strippers - Take your choice, get both, ya can't lose.
Burgers and sliders - Made to order, very tasty.
Five Cheese Grill - This Jedi/Ninja of grilled cheese sandwiches will ruin you for other grilled cheeses.
Onion rings - a recent discovery - OMFG... so good.
Chicken Parm - awesome just make certain you have extra sauce.
Fish and Chips - just right.
Two things I def CAN'T recommend:
Never stick yourself in the eye with a fork.... and
Native Flat Bread Pizzas - I would pay a handsome sum to NEVER AGAIN eat any of these cardboardy dessicated atrocities. Oh the humanity! Bleech {cough}
So, 4 STARs. Just don't step in any of that Flat Bread Pizza.