| - I haven't been here in about 7 years. We ended up coming for dinner because my parents' friends are regulars here.
Some kind of free range chicken with ginger and green onion sauce - veggies on the dish were tasty. I heard they were mustard greens and they were supposed to be bitter. If that's the case, then they tasted the way they should. The chicken was tasty, but could have been more tender. However, it was not dry. The ginger and green onion sauce was plentiful and very tasty.
Some kind of duck with plum sauce - This is not roasted duck with a side of plum sauce. This is duck atop taro slices and veggies with a plum flavored sauce all over it. It's a sweet and sour flavor that most people who have it really enjoy. It's not my cup of tea, but it's not bad.
Braised duck feet with dried shiitake mushrooms - With three older people at the table, this was a hit. I had one. The duck feet were super tender. The sauce was tasty. The mushrooms were soft as well. However, I'm more a chicken-feet-in-the-form-of-dim-sum-phoenix-talon person than I am a duck feet person.
Tofu with salted fish and diced chicken in sizzling pot - I'm usually not a fan of cubed up soft tofu in any style, but this was my favorite dish of the night. The tofu was soft and had a fresh tofu taste. There was just enough salted fish to flavor the entire dish, while not being overly salty. I really liked how the salted fish still had some texture, and it wasn't just little specks here and there. The chicken was sort of an additive for me. It didn't need to be there. Love food in sizzling pots. It keeps the food piping hot, which is exactly how it should be eaten. Big spoons of this with a little rice made me a happy camper for the night.
Dessert was mung bean sweet soup - Not bad, but I'm not a fan of most bean sweet soups. This one was interesting though. Thought there was a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg or something of that sort.
Total per person after tax and tip came to about $10 after 10% discount and tips. We also had leftovers. Not bad for that much food.
Cool story for the night: My family has not come in many years. One of the waitresses claimed she remembered my grandfather. We thought she was bluffing. It turns out she remembered him not from him frequenting Maple Yip many years ago, but because she used to work at Fisherman Villa, and my grandfather was a regular there for many years. We only found out because she remembered that he ordered roasted pigeon a lot there. They do have that on the menu here, so maybe we'll get that the next time we come.