| - New vaping place in Vegas. They are enthusiasts following their dream of opening a vapor shop, and because of that, they don't really cater to the ego crowd. They've got pinoy mechanical mods, high end provari, RDA, etc. They've got a drill mounted ON the counter so they can drill out the airholes of your attys. If you know what that means, you know what kind of shop this is.
Of course they do have the basics, but they know their stuff, these are vaping scientists! If you're looking to go to the next level of vaping, this is a great place.
They have a big selection of juices to try, a couple comfy couches with an xbox and a big screen, and have a large clean space. Its a cool place to hang out.
Howie is awesome, he will show you how to rebuild your RDA's, and will troubleshoot any problem you have. I'm sure the other guys will too, but I've only worked with Howie.
One important thing to know about Yosi is that they have some of the best prices in town. Do you order online because its so much cheaper? Go to Yosi instead. Support a local vendor, and pay online prices. No returns, no hassles, no shipping time...