Do you park out side. Do you like freezing your culo off in the winter starting your car up and waiting for it to heat up?
Well now you do not have to. The fine folks at Lewis Automotive gave me a great deal on a remote car starter.
I called around and stopped into a few places and got some quotes. They were 100$ less expensive then anywhere else.
Great customer service!
They did not try to up sell me. They started from the lowest price and let me decide what best fit my needs.
I got a starter that is good from 2000+ feet. So when I am at work I can start my ghetto sled from inside my huge corporate building.
Another great thing about this place they were able to do it the day I wanted, none of this make an appointment crap. They were referred by my dealership to do the work.
Keep in mind to have this done correctly it takes time and you will want someone with experience. When a dealership does not want to take on work you know it is not easy! My friend who is the closest person to MacGyvern that I know will not touch these.
I also saw that this place does all sorts of auto repairs, auto stereos that will wake your neighbors up, and super fly rims, Yeah Boyeee!
So now I will have a toasty warm car all winter long while the rest of you suckas freeze! I pidy the foo who does not have one!