Unless you want to waste your hard earned money on an item that last less than a year. They are selling items that are seconds and are irregular and defective. The owners know the product will not last over a year. As I was told today by the owner. They want YOU to be a repeat customer ever year. Even if you seal every year and follow the owners suggestions. I have not even had mine a year. Your hard earned money is going to Wendy and her husband to take vacations in Mexico to purchase more defected inadequate product.
Worst place to buy. Customer service is extinct here.
Spent a lot of money here. Will never return.
Here is what happened to me and will most likely happen to you.
We Bought 2 pcs. Less than a year ago. Went into store spoke with Rhonda a month in half ago. Discussed 2 planters we bought less than a year ago and how they are falling apart and crumbling. She told me to take pics and email them. Which I went home and did. No response of course to my email. Called a few times. Nobody answers the phone. So I Went in 2 more times to the store. Every time Rhonda claimed owners are out of town. They are in Mexico buying more product. Crazy they are gone for a month in half. Sounds more like a Vaction paid buy customers that are buying their defective inadequate product. Rhonda claims she will get back to me when the owners get back to discuss. Of course this never happened. A month in half later later still no response. Now I Have to go into store once again. Now 4th trip into store due to no response or customer service. Wendy store owner is there. Rhonda said at last visit Wendy and her husband are the store owners.
Go into store today.
Another employee Rhonda's sister who also works there greets me. I explain why I am there and she says the owners are here lets go back by them and see what they can do. After talking to Wendy(the owner)she has no resolution for the irregular defective crumbling pots. She is saying the pots don't last long about 2 yrs. I should of been told this at time of sale. Why would I spend $800 every year or maybe 2 on planters. I would of never bought them. The planters have cactus in them. We water only once a month. Wendy is blaming the crumbling on the water in Vegas. I said so if our water is an issue her why are you selling them to customers if they are not going to last. Oh that is Wendy's plan to have you keep coming back again every year to buy new planters so we keep giving her money on a yearly basis. She and her husband are making a killing on our community. I told Wendy, You should not be selling the clay pots than if the water here is an issue. Wendy is telling me Mexico won't take the pots back and that's all she is worried about. Not customer service. They said at time of purchase they would paint them and seal them. Now Wendy changes her story she is not the Owner. What a joke!!
Maybe she had too much to drink in Mexico for the month in half she had been there with her husband. I guess now she is embarrassed she and her husband are the owner of faulty defective inadequate product they selling and gauged prices.
Now Wendy says you can purchase different pots. I will give you half off them. I said no I want them replaced. I said why would I spend more money here for product that's going to last a year. I waked out and told her I will be reviewing her in Yelp and contacting channel 13 news to investigate. I am sure when channel 13 shows up Wendy and her husband will be Vacationing in Mexico with our hard earned money and looking to purchase more crumbling product for us the customer. Since the pots only last a year.
Wendy I would be embarrassed too and not admit I was the owner. Ripping off our community of hard workers is despicable. Karma will be back for you.