Two weeks of the same one trick pony yoga. I don't see the point in returning here.
All classes are the same with very little personal attention to people who are not doing the poses correctly.
Very cultish - if you are not part of the gang, they basically ignore you. In two weeks I never receive a hello or an how are you doing today.
The place is often too crowded and they don't always ask that you stagger so people run into one another.
Music is too loud to hear the person leading the practice. One of the teacher was way more interested in reading his PDA than watching the class - how impersonal is that!
Large dog met me with a growl at the entrance so I gave her a wide berth. I was told the dog never does that usually yet I witnessed her reacting the same way to many others who were told the same thing I was...
If you like bootcamp atmosphere where you don't matter, where what you wear seems more important than who you are, this is the place for you.
Just not for me.