My personal standing on a pedicure is that I am willing to pay for someone to simply paint my nails. I don't want or expect anything "fancy" or over the top. At Sienna's nails, I get a bit above my simple expectation and for a very reasonable price. With the #1 pedicure you get a nice calf and foot rub and also some hot stones rubbed on your legs ( I could do with or without it, but it's a nice touch overall). They also clean up your toes (i.e. clipping your nails, file them, cuticles) and finally apply the nail polish and all under $30. I could go a bit over a month with one pedicure, which is nice because as much as I dislike painting my own toes I would dislike even more having to pay to get them done more often than once a month.
Sienna's get the job done and for a good price.