| - Ahh Nate's Place. What an original name for an Irish pub. I mean really! AND a Boston Bar, no less. You can wear your ratty ass red B hat. Most fans are proud of their teams and wear clean stuff, not Boston fans, got one with dogshit? Sure, it's funny when you go into the bathroom and there's Yankee's cards in the urinals to piss on, but who cares. I wanted to like this bar, especially because Nate is a young guy, bought a bar and wants to make a go at it. I like to support small business. But, the food is terrible(wings are bearable), the bar never gets wiped(personal pet peeve as a bartender) and they don't seem to care if they serve you or not, as Nate and his wife are too self absorbent to pay attention. I guess the last straw was when after going there for a few months I finally introduced myself to be a little more like a regular that i was . Nate mocked me to the bar "Look Amish is Here, everybody" Total Sarcasm. It's funny that Boston fans are so full of hate, but whatever. They won the first World Series and won one lately, so, you'd think they'd be happier. It's a little expensive for a dive bar too. There's too many other bars within a block to waste time there.