I am a disabled veteran. I like(d) shopping here because it's a small store and I am unable to cover much territory on my feet for a prolonged period. I stopped into this location just as I have once a week or so since moving to Summerlin a couple of years ago. As I approached the young lady at the checkout counter I was met with nary a pleasant greeting much less a sneer of acknowledgement. Matter of fact this charming little chunk of sunshine appeared to be down right annoyed at the sight of this middled aged white guy in a NAVY VETERAN shirt (she looked like a "marcher".) I had quite a few items and she was bagging on her own so it was obvious this was gonna take a while. Just to break the ice (because apparently that's my responsibility as a customer) I quipped "Kinda cold in here isn't it?" She pauses, throws me a nasty glare and snarls "Maybe you should go home and put your head in the oven." This isn't the first incident I have endured at this location but this will be the last. There are some nice folks there but there are also plenty of "those". I belong to a few DISABLED VETERAN'S groups and some of our members have had similar experiences with TJ's. I don't know the basis of this person's nastiness towards me but she is responsible for obliterating the loyalty of a twenty five year customer. Hey all you vets! The hippie name tags at Trader Joe's hate us! Go to Sprouts!