Just so you know, they won't seat your entire party until they're all there. They might make exceptions but who knows. This time, I wanted to get the S'mores pancakes but my friend beat me to it. Instead, I wanted the Rocky Road pancakes, but the second friend ALSO beat me to it. That automatically leaves me with the Banana Cream Pie pancakes! There. Good thing I didn't bring a third friend. =_=;
I'll always order the SHORT order cause I can't even finish three pancakes. Not now, not ever. I'm not sure what other one I'll try and I really haven't tried their other breakfast dishes since I feel like going through most of their pancake flavors. I've only ever ordered sausage links and they've never failed me (at breakfast joints).
If you're a fan of banana cream pie overall, go for this flavor! It'll be a fun adventure to try their flavors =b.