| - The sunday service is first rate. Ricardo is both insightful and engaging on the scripture. The problem is connecting with people. They depend on small groups for connecting. I find that quite shallow. If you like groups, maybe this is for you. Problem with groupships is they often work against one on one friendships. Once people are in a groupship, they are then busy doing church Sundays, and the groupship gatherings 1-2 nights a week... asking for one on one's, something more personal, is often met with "busy, my groupship is meeting/about to meet, etc", which can be frustrating. The Bible never mentions groupships. It does talk at length on friendships (David and Jonathan, Naomi and Ruth, etc), Love is personal, love is responsive... These groupships aren't that, and it can be hurtful not having friendships when seeking that at your own church. I do wish pastors would put the basic need for friendships and what scripture says ahead of running a program.