First off: Their burgers are amazing. Hands down delicious. My rare burger was charred on the edges and pink on the inside, and the mushroom-cheese-argula combo on top was awesome.
HOWEVER, I typically don't eat meat unless it's from grassfed cows. Most cows are grassfed for most of their life, and finished on grain. My convo with the waiter went like this:
Me:"Is your meat grassfed?"
Waiter: "Yes, it's Harris Ranch outside San Francisco"
M: "Is it grassfed it's whole life, or finished on corn?"
W: "It's whole life"
I ordered and ate my mushroom burger feeling pleased.
When I got home, I checked out Harris Ranch here, where they clearly say their cattle are finished on corn, in a feedlot.
Don't get me wrong, the burger was delicious. However, I would appreciate that everyone is educated the same in the restaurant, especially on the delicate topic of sourcing their food.