I went for the facialicious and really enjoyed the facilities and the products- I bought an oil based cleanser which is now my favourite. But I second the notion that the girls are WAYYYY too chatty.
After seeing the reviews stating this I called and specifically asked the receptionist to tell the girl who would be doing my facial that I wanted to relax and not chat that much- especially since this is over an hour long procedure. Well- the opposite of this happened, and I ended up talking the WHOLE time. Everything from other clients to my boyfriend to my school to my job to her job urgh. I mean this is why I asked upon booking because at the point where I am laying there naked what can I really do but very rudely say "Be Quiet" and make the rest of my procedure very awkward- so I just chat and chat and chat by the end I have a headache.
I also agree that rubbing the back of my neck while I am laying on my back is borderline painful but my own fault for not speaking up, I guess I was too busy trying to converse.
At the end I rebooked but later cancelled, as I am not sure I want to spend the money when i could chat to a stranger for an hour and a half on the street, completely free. On the otherhand I want more products so will probably buy online. I guess this just boils down to whether or not you mind the chatter when you are paying for spa services. I am firmly a believer in the service provider taking cues from the customer and mirroring their level of chattiness.