I have not been to a Best Buy in a while and was reminded why today. I needed something immediately so I did not have time to order it from Amazon. A friend told me they price match Amazon so I came prepared with the Amazon info. I told the sales associate about my price match and he said it would only apply to items sold by Amazon. I thought that was the case but could not prove it at the time on my phone. When I got home, I checked on line and confirmed Amazon was in fact the seller of the item in question at the price I requested a match on. I called the store and the customer service girl gave me a scripted response that did not make sense to me. She said an item must say Shipped and Sold by Amazon. All I could find was that Amazon was the seller. Even Kindles do not say Shipped and Sold by Amazon. I asked if she was willing to look on the internet to verify my claim. She put me on hold and then came back and said that would be OK. I finally was able to direct her to the item and price I was asking them to match and she agreed I should have received the price match. However she said I had to come back to the store. 15 minutes wasted. I then called the Best Buy customer service number. The lady quickly verified my claim and and then started working on crediting my credit card for the difference. Finally, after 45 minutes (not exaggerating) of waiting and questions she said I would need to go back to the store. Seriously?? At one point she even said, thanks for your patience, I am almost done. It took 45 minutes to figure this out? It will take an hour to drive to the store and back and at least 30 minutes to fight with another under-trained, uncaring sales associate. I think I will write this off to experience and eat the $16 price difference. Best Buy whines that Amazon is killing them. Well duh. Amazon blows them away at every level. It will be a long time before I go back to a Best Buy store.