Had to go for a friends wedding. First time I went, my suit fit perfect, the groomsmen's suits fit perfect, everything was perfect. A little pricey, but at least the suit looked good. After a $50 down payment, I went later to finish paying it off and pick up the suit. Turns out the second time I tried it on, the suit was not perfect and needed some adjustments. The collar on my shirt was waaaaayyyy to big, it did not fit like that the first time I tried it on. Well they charge $10 for every adjustment needed to be made. Seemed so strange that my suit fit so well one day, but afterwards the measurements were completely off. I paid them and after accepting my money they never even took my measurements so I don't know how they fixed the needed "adjustments". This seemed a little fishy so I called all 7 of the other groomsmen. Every single one of them needed "adjustments" as well, even though the suits were correct the first time we all went. Some of them needed over 5 things changed so $50 were added to their bills. This scam does not pass by me well. They completely messed up my point of view on them just because they wanted a few extra bucks on top of the $200+ suits they sold to 8 of us. Not sure if anybody else had this experience, but I would suggest you go to Men's warehouse instead of this place. You might be one of the lucky groups they want to scam.