Move over Amazon Aquarium, I've found the new champion for dirtiest, most disorganized pet store in Phoenix! They seemed to have a wide array of products in the front room, but you have to sort through the clutter to find them and they aren't all obviously priced. The live side of the store is what makes this place special though.
Through a small dividing curtain they have row after row of fish tanks set up, most having both a couple species plants and one to three species of fish per tank. The fish all looked healthy, but other than the variety in cichlids, there wasn't anything truly rare. They have the widest variety of aquatic plants of any fish store I've been to in the valley with the exception of Aqua Touch. The plants at aqua touch definitely looked healthier though, but were also more expensive.
Overall the prices seemed fair and the staff was helpful, even if they were a little preoccupied.