| - I came here for a restorative with reiki class, which had so much promise. The instructor was calm and sweet and I was so inspired to really focusing on relaxing my body for 90 minutes. When the reiki practitioner gave me personalized attention my body relaxed into the posture immediately, and all my fidgeting eased away. As the class went on though, the instruction focused just on how to set up the props for each pose, but after the first pose there was no discussion of where to bring your awareness/what area of your body you were trying to relax. I've been doing yoga regularly for many years, but I found it really hard to settle into many of the poses because without knowing if our goal was to relax our hips, legs, back, hips etc in a supported supine twist for example, I couldn't figure out how to adjust. We were given wide latitude to set the props up in a variety of ways in each pose, but that actually made it more challenging to know where to settle.
Gorgeous practice room, so much potential, love the music and the addition of a reiki practitioner, but instructors need to remember to link the poses back to the body and point out what each pose is particularly beneficial for. Without that, students can still settle 'wherever is comfortable' as instructed, but may be missing out on so much additional benefit that they could experience - if they knew where to focus and what the potential was.