Scott arrived promptly. He was friendly. He checked out the area. He knew right away what type of bee was making a nest in my wall. They were the harmless carpenter bees that just make a nest, have babies and leave. He explained everything to me, sprayed the area and other potential problem areas. Since the area is now sprayed and the hole plugged, the bees will look for a new home, either in my house or elsewhere. I don't want them taking up residence in my home--they don't pay rent! He even knocked down and sprayed a mud wasp nest too. Other than that my home is fine, phew.
But the price of $150 just to find out this information and to only have areas sprayed is quite steep for someone who isn't working. For that reason I would love to take away one star but I can't because I'm terrified of insects. And then again, at least it's good to know it's not the Africanized bees.
The man that answered the phone this morning was kind of nice. It could've been too that I didn't know what to say HAHAHA. I just discovered the bees last night and had no sleep. He wasn't bad...really.
Would I use them again? Yes, but I better not have to! Or those bees owe me rent ;-)