| - Certainly not the best pho in the city, in fact it is pretty average, you have about 60% of finding the same quality at a random restaurant that has "pho" in its name.
Broth: Not super clear, as if they have forgotten to take the scum of boiling beef, while finishing the bowl we saw bits and bits of impurities. The taste is Ok, I prefer to go heavier on star anise then you can really tell it is pho and not just the beef bouillon.
Meat: Is plentiful, which is great and they cook it as per your instructions.
Noodles: Fine and pretty standard, well cooked, but they put less of them per bowl than other places I have been to.
Condiments and veggies: Fresh and plentiful. Their hoisin is very good.
MSG: Yes they do add it, I would say average amount. My MSG meter was closer to medium than to light.
We went to check the space because a few yelpers and reviewers from other sites claimed there wasn't any MSG in this pho (the quest of my life), turns out they were wrong. Once my MSG meter went up the cook confirmed my fears that they indeed do use MSG. So really there is no point for me to come to this sketchy district and I would not recommend it to anyone, unless you are on the go and in very desperate need of pho.