I can not recommend this bookstore. I have been a book reader all my life. In fact, when I was growing up my parents had an independent bookstore. I am someone that is always buying books. Shortly before Christmas I drove to The Bookshop intending on buying books as Christmas Gifts. I do not smoke in my car and wait until I get somewhere to light up outside. While having my cigarette I was looking through the windows of "The Bookshop" prior to entering. The store was empty of customers as usual. A man inside saw me looking at the merchandise through the windows and in a most obnoxious voice came out and told me not to smoke in front of his store. His arrogant manner and tone of voice implied that I was some sort of vagrant because I was a smoker. I told him "You just lost a customer." Every time I go past there to go to Dick's Hideaway to eat I never see anybody in his book store. In fact, the other merchants in that strip plaza say they do not know how The Bookshop pays its rent as they never see anybody in there. I might also add that while looking in the windows I noticed a sign inside the book store that said "Pets Welcome." Like many Americans I am extremely allergic to dog and cat hair and do not think they should be allowed inside retail businesses unless they are seeing eye dogs. The Bookshop owners are not considerate of potential customers.