| - i have passed by this place a billion times over the years on my way to many a meal of chinese food and i have wondered and wondered and wondered.
i have thought, that because of the general flotsam and jetsam that chinatowns the world over are famous are for, that this place too, would be seedy and filled with pirated software or dvds. (not that im averse to that, by the by), but no sirree.
within the otherwise bland exterior of this place and its massive red lettering lining the upper floors outside, lies an inner structure that is more akin to something of a modern palace. palace might be too strong a word perhaps, but its the arches that separate room from room and the ceilings that they reach that give you this impression. these arches are adorned in wood or something that looks like real wood, with dashes of metal and a marble table to support fancy amps.
i perused different sections of the store with some future purchases in mind. as a mac user i found out that i cannot use a regular stereo set of headphones (for things like skype, for example) and instead need a set of headphones that connect via usb. these are the types of items you could find here. it seems that its stock veers towards the professional versus the consumer.
they also had neat and useful add-ons for your computer as well as the regular stuff like laptop cases, hard drives, etc. for example, there was a revolving attachment that you could slide onto your iMac so thats it could revolve at its base 360 degrees, which could prove quite useful in a communal work environment.
im glad to have found this place as a resource for mac items and other more specialized computer related products.