| - Some gutless coward smashed my window and then promptly ran away giggling like an eleven year old Belieber watching that dumb documentary they made about him a few years back. Yes, he was actually giggling; I heard him. It made me question humanity.
I called ahead to Low Price Auto Glass to get a quote and make sure it truly was low priced and not some ironic name for a business and furthermore to make sure they had my window. They told me to stop by that day after work -- or told me to stop by, and I told them I could not until after work. Anyway, here is where my faith in humanity is returned.
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am fairly eccentric/particular with certain things.
Not sure why I was doing it, but I do not do it anymore ('don't smash my window'), but at the time I had 500$ cash under a backseat carpet in twenty dollar bills. I do not remember hiding it there; I would have never noticed if it would have been disappeared by someone. Thus is life, I guess.
Part of the service at Low Price Auto Glass, they vacuum up as much of the broken glass from your car. Anyone that has had to deal with it knows that the shattered car window glass is really difficult to clean all up. Anyway, this employee finds the money, avoids vacuuming it up -- literally and figuratively -- and calls me over to show me.
I was like: what is that? ::puzzled::
Money you had hidden in your car.
Oh, really? Damn dude, you could have taken it.
Low Price Auto Glass: so trustworthy that you can have your faith in humanity restored less than twenty-four hours after being a victim of violent crime. - E