I have been coming to Dolce for years...and I can say this for sure, the quality of hair services is extremely inconsistent. I agree with Debbie C...the level system makes no sense, if iam paying you to do my hair iam expecting a good service regardless of level...i would hope That they are all 'professionals'??
problem with Dolce is that they spent way more money on their IMAGE and promoting it and not on their CLIENTS and their satisfaction, by making sure that staff are really well trained.
Every time i go to do my hair its like a hit or miss. unfortunately last time i did highlights with a level 3...who almost is level 4 (in 2 years!) it was a 'miss'. I had to travel the next day to SF, i told the stylist that my hair was way too light and if it would be okay to come and get it fixed in 2 weeks. (they normally don't after 2 wks) but since i was going to be out of town she said yes. she also said she will put it in my notes. She knew my hair needed a redo as she was the first to admit that the color was 'lighter than expected'.
I callback after my trip...they say there is no record of my notes...no one wants to honor a redo... instead they give me dolce dollars for my next visit?! after so many phone calls and emails...it was so frustrating, i looked like a liar. there was no integrity whatsoever...u can't throw some dolce dollars at me and expect me to pay the difference, you need to honor your word and 'fix' the damage...I will never go back there for hair.
Only reason i didn't give them a 2 is because some other services are decent...but again inconsistent so you have to ask for a specific person for your service.
Dolce ...your image looks glam and fab...but your services not so much... please focus on your staff and our clients for a change.