This practice started off great. I'd thought I found a perfect doctor. One who seemed in sync with what I felt and needed. However over the next couple of years, I noticed a few things go south.
Lab results started to take longer to get back. 1 or 2 days became 3-6. Medical paperwork went from a no problem attitude and filled out as needed to having to argue for it and details being way off what was discussed.
The last medications I requested had 1 medication at 1/2 the stength and the other 2X the strengths I needed. These were prescriptions that had been prescibed before.
The doctor in question ended coming across as flakish and obstinant by the time I left the practice. I don't often do negative reviews like this, but I've rarely had this poor of an experience and I seem to be not alone. I had the same Doctor as one of the other poor reviews here it seems.