| - The best part of this Aquarium was the Gift Shop.
That's sad: here's why:
1] the entire place is tiny.
2] they have the heater on? walking around the 1st half of the tour was even hotter than outside, and it was 78degrees out there the day we came.
3] they have 1 jelly tank, that is horrible in my book.
4] the people who were there was annoying, they felt using their flash, which is horrible for the fish, and then they wonder why they get poor quality pictures, so they stand here even longer to more poor quality pix, and the worst part was the workers there don't even care that the flash was on, [check out my review for Monterey Bay]
5] for such small exhibits, the price was not worth it.
Here are some good things:
1] the photo they take when you 1st walked in turned out pretty nice
2] you can touch the string rays
3] they have two tunnels, which can be nice if its not packed with screaming children.
4] the gift shop is fully stocked with goodies for aquarium addicts *[me] :)
Overall, I don't recommend it, but if you must, just go once and never again :)