| - I've tried Paletas Betty three times now which is enough to confirm that the paletas are good, not great, and definitely not the second coming of Christ that some of the reviews for this store and the Chandler location would have you believe.
The only one I've had that was truly yummy was the fresa. Unfortunately, it was my sister's, and she only gave me a few bites. The Mexican Hot Chocolate paleta I ordered sounded great, but it was icier and less fudgy that I expected. The pina, as another Yelper described, tasted nothing more like pineapple. It was ok, but I wish there was more to it.
I had the coconut one last night, and the coconut base was delicious. However, the big chunks of coconut were nasty, and I ended throwing most of it away. Keep in mind, I'm Puerto Rican, and therefore genetically inclined to love all things coconut, but this treat didn't do it for me.