Watch out. Bad customer service and a typical financial institution trying to nickel and dime the consumer. I got a motorcycle loan from them years ago and they opened up a savings account for me which I did NOT ask for, but just went with it because they gave me $5 to open it in the first place. I paid off my loan over a year ago and asked at that time to close the savings account I never used or even wanted in the first place. I then receive a letter in the mail 11 months later saying my savings account was dormant and I would owe them $10 a month penalty if it wasn't used because they never closed it or properly instructed me when I first asked about closing it. 7 calls later and multiple faxes they beat around the bush on how to cancel the account and not incur the charge. Shady and outright unethical in my book. I will never do business with them again.