FOB or microchip keys from Walmart are garbage. Not long ago we purchased one for our vehicle and recently we found out, on a long trip out of town, that the savings you get from purchasing a replacement key from Walmart versus the dealership, aren't worth it.
We were stranded because the electronic replacement key that Walmart sold us failed.
Upon returning home I took the key/FOB by Interstate Battery to have the battery tested. Each key has its own battery source. The battery tested 100%. It's brand new. As expected. The FOB microchip key, junk. Thanks Walmart.
Then I tried returning the key to Walmart. I don't want a replacement. I don't want anyone in my family driving a vehicle with a key that is faulty and prone to failure. Keys should last years and years. Not months. Especially $60 keys! A $60 key should last longer than a year. Shouldn't it?
Every Walmart employee I talked to said the same thing. They can replace but not return. It's an electronic product so even with a receipt you only have a certain amount of time to return for a refund.
Do not buy an automotive replacement key from Walmart if it has a microchip in it. They won't last. And Walmart won't stand behind the product except to say they will replace it with the same untrustworthy product they originally sold. And it shouldn't take talking to every supervisor & manager in the store to get them to decide they're going to only offer to replace the key. Huge waste of my afternoon in Walmart waiting in one line after the other to be told they will only replace it with the same garbage they originally sold me!
...replacement isn't what I want. It's a refund. Why would I want to send my family out in a vehicle that may not start because the key they are using isn't going to work someday
Walmart. They may be cheap. But they are cheap.