| - I first came here in April 2014 after a recommendation from a co-worker.
Dr Amy is a fantastic doctor, very kind, very knowledgeable, and very good at her job. Her hygienists are equally fantastic.
However, I had to stop coming because of the constant screw ups by the office staff. I switched jobs in August 2014 so I wanted to move my appointment for when my new insurance kicked in. I called and left message 6 different times asking to move my appointment. No reply. So finally, I left a 7th voicemail in which I kind of raised my voice and said I would never be back. So they returned that call, apologized, and set me up for an appointment today, November 12 2014. I liked the doctor enough that I would overlook the front office's goof up.
So fast forward to this week and I didn't receive my customary 24 hour advance call reminding me of my appointment. So being somewhat jaded from my previous experience, I call the office and somebody actually answered (a miracle in its own right) and the girl tells me that there is no record of my appointment and they can see me next week.
Unfortunately, I cannot trust this office enough to continue providing my business. I shouldn't have to beg to get a return call and an honored appointment.
Like I said, the doctor and her hygienists are great. I honestly do recommend them. I just cannot continue to waste my time and energy hoping they'll make good on their end of the bargain. My situation is hopefully a one -off type of deal and I do wish the office the best.