| - My husband and I came here with our teen daughter to do the unthinkable on a Friday night-buy beer and snacks for a night at home. Debbie, a complete crap for brains decked in stereotypical biker/trailer attire, refused to sell to us because her own "personal reasons". I'm black, my husband is white, and my daughter (whom I adopted) is white. She didn't think to stop the family before us who, too purchased alcohol with younger children. My husband asked her "so you're telling me you're refusing to sell to me? That's illegal". Debbie stuttered and said "no it's not the law, but it's my own reason. You can call corporate, they know me very well". Angry, we left and I called the store and spoke to Ken. When I explained the situation to him, he was very perplexed as to why Debbie would react and behave in such a way. I demanded to see him, so we returned to the store. When my husband explained yet again what occurred, Ken told us that the reason Debbie refused to sell alcohol to us is because she overheard our daughter telling us what flavor of beer she wanted. First off, this is a flat out lie! My husband asked me what kind of beer I wanted, and I responded. How unreal to make up a lie to save your own ass? She has no idea about our backgrounds, or what we do professionally in our lives. Regardless, we took our business to Smith's where the customer service has been nothing short of amazing. Debbie, EEO will be contacted.