I thought I'd give this place a try- big mistake! I should have known as there were few people dining at lunchtime many were drinking at the bar. I'm a patient diner and if it takes a bit of time it's ok but It took way way way way way too long for everything- to get menus, give our order, get food, pay the check and get my card back(a bit nervous about how long they held my card-I had to go get it).
The food: the dishes that should at least be warm were stone cold and thin(as watered down or not cooked long enough). Skimpy portions with the exception of a huge pile of salad covering 1/3 of the platter.
Wait staff: friendly but we clearly had a language problem which made it difficult to voice our needs for much of the service. Another wait staff came only at the end of the meal too late to warm the cold dishes and satisfy our needs.
I won't return to this place again as there are other very good Ethiopian Restaurants in the area.