| - My ex boy friend and I have been coming to this place for 4 plus years. A few positive things I will say is that we have always loved the food and the pizza. We come there late because we both work late.The staff usually is always friendly and they have really nice specials for a late crowd.The neighborhood is a little iffy, but I have always pretty much felt safe because they usually keep the riff raff out.That being said you can imagine my shock and dismay when we went there last night and was treated like complete trash by one of their staff members.I believe the guys name is Shane but I'm not certain.I don't personally know this one particular guy because we usually get the heavier set guy, Rob, who is nothing but nice.I believe I have seen this guy a few times on our way to the back to enjoy their pizza when I don't want to sit at the bar.So anyway at first my ex jokingly rang the boor bell more than once with a smile cause he and the bartender are usually cool...he was thinking he'd at least get a laugh.So someone comes on the speaker and says: "you two wont be getting in here ringing the bell like that." So we patiently wait a few seconds with smiles and we still aren't being let in.I then ring the bell once again and then the door opens by this other bartender we don't normally see....he then looks at my ex and says you aren't allowed in here anymore.At first we think its a joke cause you just never know with guys and we know we have never done anything except act silly with the bell...then when my ex says, "Really? Why not?" the guy just unleashed in this angry fury with the foulest language I have ever heard from any employee ever telling him why he wasn't allowed in there anymore. Every other word was the f word and any and all other variation of the f word along with some other belligerent and ignorant things he could say. Apparently he was pissed off that the last time my ex was there that he only gambled 50 cents per hand or something......he accused him of scamming and on and on and the two start arguing because my boyfriend then speaks up to defend himself and it keeps escalating and escalating.....I then finally try and intervene and I'm say "Why are you speaking to him like that? And asked him who he thought he was talking to like that. He then says it again but now putting me in it...yous aren't allowed in here anymore. I was like, "Dude I don't even f'ing know you, dude". I then go on to say that we always come there and sit in the back and order pizza...he then goes, "Yeah, yous come in here and order your cheap f'ing pizza."...and blah blah blah....this of course makes zero sense to me 'cause why offer a special if you are going to accuse your patrons of being cheap when they order it....then I asked if he was the manager...he then lied and said ex after giving him the finger several times in his face and saying "F*** off" asked, "Are you the owner?" Again he lied and said yes. I know one of the the owner's names is Mario. So, without warning this guy then starts shutting the door with me standing in the doorway. I mean he is literally hitting me with this door to close it. I could have been injured and for what? I am seriously considering pressing battery charges against this guy because of it.You don't go and behave this way and then you try and assault me with a door? Here's the thing: you have the right to tell us we are banned from your property and for what reasons, but you certainly don't come off talking to people in such a belligerent way unprovoked. We just came there for pizza after working, and if there was a problem then you address it in a calm matter, not like that. And to go as far as trying to close me in a door. It wasn't as if we were trying to force our way in. I was just standing there during the argument this guy started from the moment he opened the door and went off. All of this should be on camera if the establishment tapes what goes on. I can't imagine having an employee that talks to and treats patrons this way. Now I can understand if we came in there messing with other patrons and acting like complete fools, but we didn't. To be that mad cause someone didn't play $1.25 per hand the last time they were in there? Wow...and oh, one last thing. He tried to involve the other bartender by yelling "Such and such, doesn't he always bring his cheap ass in here and do this?" Well, the bartender who knows us and is always friendly wouldn't even answer. He just looked over and you could tell he wanted no parts of this behavior. Anyway, of course, I will never set foot in that place ever again and I'll be sure to let all of my friends and family about this. Why spend your money at a place where employees are allowed to behave in such a way? As far as battery charges.I don't know. I'm still seriously considering it. I don't take too kindly to being assaulted by doors.