Well where do I begin. My daughter and son in law took me out to dinner ( I'm from the Bay Area) I love the Sizzler so here we go. Phoenix Arizona the Sizzler on Indian School Road It was around 8pm and bells went off we could park right in front wow. When we went in there was only 6 people there well I was glad we beat the rush. HaHa was the joke on us we ordered and sat by the salad bar. My Daughter and I went and got a salad and sat down we glanced over to the salad bar where two workers were cleaning the glass over the foodspraying cleaner and wiping over the food !
All the way around rubbing and dropping pieces
of the paper towel in the food. That was it for all of us we called the Manager who proceeded to say it was policy to wipe over the food.
If this is what's going on in front what's going on in the back. Enter at your own risk, I'm sure there's plenty of room for those who dare.