Took our female kitten there to get spayed. When I picked her up a couple hours later not only was her stomach but also the side of her body completely shaved unevenly and she had a tight plastic lampshade over her head. Her stitches were also done unevenly and I still to this day have no idea why the side of her body was shaved,which took months to grow back. They did not use dissolvable stitches so our poor kitten had to have this plastic lampshade over her head for two weeks which made it so she could not eat, drink, or even go to the literbox properly. After a few days, I called the hospital to see if they had any other solution to prevent her from picking at the stitches. They acted surprised that I would even ask as if this plastic lampshade thing was normal. I have found out since then that most hospitals use dissolvable stitches and therefore they do not have to wear anything like this on their heads. Unfortunately, the story does not end there. Since the operation she has had tremors, shakes, and seizure like symptoms. I have no doubt that the botched surgery is what caused this. So, needless to say I will never set foot in this clinic again as I feel like my poor kitten was butchered by these people.