In one word.... HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!!! I started out with escargot and accidently touched the plate it was in a burnt my finger!!! It was extremely hot and no one warned us that it was so hot and I spent the rest of dinner with a glass of ice cubes that the waiter had to bring to us. I ordered a rib eye steak and after taking my first bite of the steak I suspected it was rancid. I was with a group of ten people and we were all having fun and they all looked like they were enjoying their meals so I hated mentioning it. I passed my plate around the table and everyone did a sniff test and told me that I had just probably ordered my steak too rare and they thought it was fine. Our waiter was very nice and I didn't want to upset the fun time we were all having so I just left my steak and asked for it to be put in a goody bag although by this point I was turned off my dinner!!!! My finger was throbbing and I had had nothing to eat!!! We all sat and had fun and I went home and within an hour of getting home I became violently sick with what I suspected was food poisoning. I spent the next day in bed and then got my husband to look at the steak which was kept in the refrigerator all night and he took one smell of it and said.... yep that it rancid alright!!!
Oh I forgot to mention that the bill for each couple came to $345
HORRIBLE!!!! What more can I say???