Sedona and Payson are beginning to tolerate other dogs thanks to THIS dog park. They're 5 month old rescue doggies and they were terrified of other dogs. It has been my experience that the dogs here are very playful, tolerant, and accepting of most any dog, even my puppies!
There's even a dog park click it seems, regulars that come just about everyday and let their dogs socialize together. Do NOT be intimidated, I wasn't. If you just grab an open chair and sit down they will soon engage you in the conversation.
I LOVE that there is GRASS! Can you believe it? And there is actually TWO separate dog parks. One for large (any) type of dog and another for ONLY small dogs. There is water available but it's a good idea to bring your own water container. All of the entrances/exits are double gated to prevent any wild pups from escaping.
It has been my experience at the small dog park that the owners are very diligent (and judgmental of others ;) about picking up pet's feces. It seems like there are more "land mines" in the 'large dog' area but this is probably because it is soooo much larger and it probably difficult to spot a hurried, squatting dog.
Beware though, I was told that a number of years ago there were people bringing their dogs to the dog park just to fight other dogs?!?!! I know terrible. BUT just like most circumstances in life, you must be AWARE of your surroundings and PAY ATTENTION to who is coming and going.
I have NOT had any problems personally and have REALLY enjoyed letting my doggies tire themselves out!