| - I have been a Steelers fan as long as I can remember. I love the Steelers as a sports team, BUT this week I am very disappointed. Tisk Tisk Steeler higher ups. This does have to do directly with Steelers policy not Heinz Field.
I have a 9 month old daughter and I was so looking forward to taking her to her very first Steeler game! Now, she is a very very good baby and in social situations I have been able to take her everywhere. She loves people and loves to take in new and exciting experiences. The point of this is that she would be well behaved, laughing at a Steelers game, and most likely clapping with rowdy fans not throwing a temper tantrum and disrupting the game for others. I would take her out if she was upset, believe me I get it!
I feel that The Steeler organization is trying to weed out the younger crowd by charging full price for a ticket and a seat that a baby can't even use. Most kid friendly places don't charge for Children 2 and under, that includes Aiirlines in the US, museums, fairs, Zoos, Concert Venues, Pitt games(at Heinz Field) Baseball games(PNC park), and many more less opulent businesses.
As far as the Steelers are concerned even though your child won't be using a seat they have to buy a full price ticket. I asked about Club level seating and yes especially in the club. Which would be the best place to walk around and entertain a youngster if fussy. If you purchase non club seating then it doesn't matter where your baby sits if you have lower level seats. Getting 3 seats together can be much pricier than a pair and are harder to find. I asked why this was the policy and an unfriendly person told me that "Steeler Policy states that gate operator is not incumbent to assess a childs age of 2 or under so they do not have the resources available for gate entry for people in line entering the stadium."
Sorry but considering the Pirates allow free entry under 2 and offer discounted tickets for children under 2 if they want to participate in the activities for children's days. So NOT COOL STEELERS!