This is the weirdest layout for a Smith's I've been to. I normally go to the one on Rampart/Lake Mead (which I love) but had to run errands in the area so I went here for groceries. The produce is in the left back area of the store but it is so cramped it was a pain to navigate around. The seafood/meats section was too small, they didn't even have tilapia fillets (nope, not even in the frozen seafood aisle) and some meats weren't priced (not even per pound) so be careful what you buy. I ended up paying almost $30 for three packs of kabobs! The cleaning supplies and toilet paper are nowhere near each other so you'll have to go back to the other side of the store. It was really odd but I got most of my shopping done. The employees are very nice, thank goodness and the check out line was very fast. If the store layout ever changes for the better, I will definitely be back.