This review is only for Fright Dome. We came here Sunday night (10/27/13) and I personally had a blast. Hawaii doesn't have anything like this so I don't really have anything to compare it to, but the haunted houses were pretty good.
I went to 5 out of the 6 haunted houses. The one I didn't go to is for Fast Pass holders only and you go by yourself (so that's a no for me). Anyway, before each haunted house, they explain to you the rules and you go in with a group. It's better to stick close to your group because it's easy to get lost. It's kind of irritating though because the guides for the haunted houses move too fast and if you don't keep up they're yelling "HURRY UP!!!" Like, I am trying to hurry but it's not my fault you move too fast!!! I want to enjoy it, not rush through it!! (It seemed like EVERY haunted house guide rushed the guests except for The Collector house)
However, overall I had a great time. The 4D show was great amd I love how the movie is so interactive. Some of the rides are available to ride and if the lines are short, I'd take advantage of it since it's included.