| - Background : I usually go here around 8-9pm to do strength. I do cardio in the morning somewhere else. I've been going here for last 3 weeks. I go to Avondale and one more to the east alternatively, so I can compare these.
People come here are very caring and respectful. They always wipe after themselves. Well, not everyone but most of people, just like other places. But the problem is that they run our of paper around 10pm. Have I seen them refilled? Not once. Maybe they do it at the midnight. But what about people workout around 10-12 then? (Me). Can't wipe even I want to. Trash bins are filled and over flowing. I witnessed it many times. Where you at, maintenance? Clerks don't forget to refill water in the fridge though.
Another problem I have with this place is the placement of the machines. They have dumbbells, barbells, Smith machines, cable machines, and chest and shoulder press machines on one side of the building. I forgot that there is a leg press machine. Such a random machine in the area. Weird. Then in the other side of the building, there are all the machines that workout arms, shoulders, legs, abs, back, and everything else. In between these two areas is huge field of cardio. With this setup, forget your supersets for your arms and shoulders. I had to bring DB and barbell to the other side of the building all the way across the cardio field and bring back after finished. Total of 7 trips. Awesome. Want to change weight? Forget it, it's too far between sets.
Such a bad setup. I know it's not for hard workout people but I would think people in the gym industry at least have common sense on how to setup things for efficient and effective workout for those who don't have any idea.
Oh, and this is not just this location but for all the Planet Fitness. I really like all the machines that they have. I'm a short person. Anything I have to sit down and adjust sit, they are not enough. I have been to many gyms and there are most ladies workout here than other gyms. Ladies are usually shorter than me or about same. With the sittings not properly set, these people will injure themselves. It says on the machines. They should have extended sit or more widely covered adjustable sit machines.
Hope this kind of review is overlooked and help this business do better and be more successful.